Learn About Prosthodontics
Dentures are replacement teeth that can be removed. Many people who are missing one tooth, several teeth or all their teeth benefit greatly from false teeth.
Prosthodontics improve your chewing and speech, and support your facial muscles. They make a big difference in your appearance and your smile, and can boost your self-confidence.
Made from acrylic resin, most dentures are very natural-looking and can be matched in color and appearance to your other teeth. Several visits to a denturist are usually required over the course of a month to take the impressions and make sure your false teeth fit right. These multiple appointments with a prosthodontist are necessary for receiving all the benefits you'll gain from them -- your increased ability to chew, a great-looking smile, and confidence when speaking.
Complete Dentures
A complete denture is for people who have no teeth in their lower jaw or upper jaw, or both jaws. In addition to the other suggestions for denture care listed below, complete dentures should be removed and cleaned two or three times daily to keep your gums healthy and to allow your tissues to relax.
Partial Dentures
Partial dentures are for people who have some natural teeth remaining, or who only need to replace a few teeth. The benefits are the same as for full denture wearers: your facial muscles will be supported, your smile improved and your ability to chew and speak will be enhanced.
Immediate Dentures
If a tooth is damaged and cannot be restored, you and your dentist may decide to create temporary dentures. That way, the dentist can pull your tooth and you can wear the temporary denture until a permanent solution is designed for you.
This temporary solution allows you to continue with your professional and social commitments without showing a gap in your smile. Sometimes an immediate denture is used to replace a number of hopeless teeth at one time. Generally, the prosthodontics will require relining, rebasing, or being completely remade three to six months later.
Getting Used to Your False Teeth
Even dentures that fit beautifully require an adjustment time. At first, you may experience minor speech changes and some eating difficulties. You may also notice an increased flow of saliva during this period.
While you're getting used to your replacement teeth, you may want to keep high-profile events to a minimum and give yourself time to adjust. You may also want to start with soft food that is easy to chew, while your comfort level increases.
Some prosthodontics wearers notice a slight change in their facial appearance. Knowing what to expect helps to anticipate normal adjustments for denture wearers and to effectively manage them.
While the dentist may advise you to wear your false teeth initially at night, normally you will remove your dentures while you sleep. Taking a break for eight hours gives your tongue and saliva a chance to do its natural job of cleaning and stimulating your gums.
Caring for Your Dentures
- Handle with care.
- Remove and brush daily.
- Use a brush and cleansers designed for dentures.
- Don't use abrasive cleaners or abrasive toothpastes, which will leave scratches.
- Don't sterilize them in boiling water or in the dishwasher -- the hot water will warp them.
- If you wear a partial denture, remove it before you brush your natural teeth and clean it carefully with a brush and cleanser.
- When the false teeth are not in your mouth, soak them in a glass of water or cleanser. Dry dentures can become brittle and crack or break.
- Keep your dentures in the same place and away from children and pets -- keep them safe and reduce the chances of losing or misplacing them.
- Have your mouth and the dentures checked at least once yearly by your denturist.
by Brian J. Gray, D.D.S., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.
Prosthodontist - Denture and Prosthodontic Questions
Q. What is a prosthodontist?
A. A prosthodontist is a specialist in the restoration and replacement of broken and missing teeth. Their training lasts an additional three years after four years of dental school. During that time, a prosthodontist is taught in greater detail about both removable and fixed prosthodontics.
Removable prosthodontics includes replacing missing teeth with appliances that the patients themselves can take in and out of their mouth, such as dentures and partial dentures.
Fixed prosthodontics includes replacing missing and/or broken teeth with restorations that the patient cannot take in and out, such as veneers, crowns, bridges, and implants.
Q. What are dentures?
A. Dentures are removable prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth.
Q. What are complete dentures?
A. Complete dentures are dentures that replace a complete set of missing teeth.
Q. What is the difference between conventional dentures and immediate dentures?
A. Conventional dentures are dentures that are made and placed after the remaining teeth are removed and the tissues have healed. Immediate dentures are dentures that are placed immediately after the removal of the remaining teeth.
Q. What is an over-denture?
A. An over-denture is a denture that fits over a small number of remaining natural teeth or implants.
Q. What do dentures feel like?
A. For a few weeks, new dentures will feel awkward until you become accustomed to them. They might feel loose until the cheek and tongue muscles learn to hold them in position. It is not unusual to feel minor irritation or soreness. The patient needs to see his or her dentist or prosthodontist for regular fit adjustments to relieve any sore areas.
Q. Are you able to eat with dentures?
A. Eating with dentures will take a little practice. You should start with soft foods that are cut into small pieces. As you become used to chewing, you can return to your normal diet.
Q. Are there foods you should avoid if you wear dentures?
A. There are only a few eating restrictions for denture wearers. Avoid biting down directly on crunchy or hard foods, like whole apples, hard pretzels, crusty bread, or large sandwiches. They can break because of the angle where the denture comes into contact with the hard surface.
Biting is limited only by the stability of the dentures themselves. Insufficient bone structure (shrunken bone ridges covered by gum tissue), old or worn dentures, and a dry mouth decrease stability.
Q. If you wear dentures, are dental adhesives necessary?
A. Today's dentures have been significantly improved through advances in both dental and materials technologies. As a result, dentures that fit properly usually do not require adhesives to secure the dentures. When you are just getting used to dentures, adhesives may be advised, but otherwise should not be necessary.
A loose denture is a sign that it doesn't fit your mouth correctly. When first getting used to dentures, you may notice them slipping when you laugh, smile, or cough, which is caused by air getting under the base and moving it. The more you wear dentures, the better you will be able to control their movements in these situations.
If your mouth has insufficient bone structure, dentures will be more difficult to retain. Your dentist or prosthodontist may advise the placement of implants. These are placed in the bone and retain the denture with small, precision attachments.
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.